Word at Work January 25, 2011

Word at Work January 24, 2011
January 24, 2011
Word at Work January 26, 2011
January 26, 2011

Word at Work January 25, 2011

Scripture: Acts 12:20-23

Jesus answered prayer and sent double-death to Herod. It was not a mild-mannered judgment. It was the most painful death known to man in those days. It was extensive. It was quick and it was thoroughly catastrophic. It came as a result of prayer. The interesting part of this passage are verses 24 and 25 and their connection to Herod’s death. “But the word of the Lord grew and multiplied and Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem when they had fulfilled their ministry. The context indicates that Herod’s death brought the fulfilling of their ministry in Jerusalem. Paul said himself to the Corinthians, who is sufficient for those things? Answer: nobody, but it comes with the territory. It is part of God’s anointing and we do not have any choice if we want a harvest except to pick up this aspect of who God is. Paul picked it up. I am sure it saved Peter’s life twice and allowed him to finish his race. How many of us and how many of our children will need this truth to finish their race? We must now possess it and pass it on to the next generation for the winding up of the age! It is essential to the harvest! The revelation of God’s justice releases power when we believe and act. The believing and action are our part!