Word at Work August 3, 2011

Word at Work August 2, 2011
August 2, 2011
Word at Work August 4, 2011
August 4, 2011

Word at Work August 3, 2011

Scripture: Revelation 19:11

Jesus makes war but how does He do it? The Greek word for war is pol-em-eh-o. It means ‘to fight’ and comes from pol-em-os which is a word that covers the whole range of hostilities. The question then becomes, what makes God mad enough to go to war? What brings God to the point where He is ready to fight against people? We must represent the Jesus who is going to war. Is Jesus going to war against the United States of America? Will He go to war against Iran? Will He go to war against China? We know that nation will rise against nation, but how does it look when God goes to war? What about the God who goes to war against churches? Jesus went to war and cleaned house in the temple twice. Perhaps we should look first at war in the church and then against the nations. This may be the greatest deficit in ministry today. We can represent Jesus as pastor and evangelist, but can we represent Him as the God of War? What will it cost to represent Jesus as the God of War? Paul did not have a problem. Peter did not have a problem. Why can we not represent Jesus as the God of War? If we are going to walk with Him in the last days, this is not optional if we are in ministry. The sole purpose of ministry is to equip the saints. So if I cannot equip you to walk with the God of War, I am not doing my job and I am not helping you at all. If I make you food for the enemy, then I have failed you as a minister of the Most High. But I if I teach you how to represent the God of War, then I have not. God help the church! Visit the ministers so that we can teach people how to represent the God of War.