Word at Work February 11 2012

Word at Work February 10 2012
February 10, 2012
Word at Work February 12 2012
February 12, 2012

Word at Work February 11 2012

Scripture: John 10:13-18

Jesus made it clear that a true shepherd has to be willing to lay his life down for the sheep. He does that by warring with wolves. The shepherd who will not go to war with the wolf is just a guy with a job looking for a paycheck. There has to be a transition for the guys with jobs looking for paychecks. War is on the horizon. We must shepherd the church with power and authority to prepare them for what is ahead. Walking through the last days is really not an exercise in passivity, it is just the opposite. It has to be an exercise in finding every dimension of God-given authority that is available and growing in it to fullness. Any failure to develop the fullness of the authority given will hinder our ability to finish the race. The greatest hindrance to the church winding up the age is the passive gospel void of the rod of iron. Jesus died to put a rod of iron in the hand of the church! Will we swing it! Will we speak it? Will we declare it? Will we call it forth? Will we face the reality of true shepherding in the Davidic pattern? If not, we are going to forfeit what God wants to do. We have to pray for the leadership of the church to come into the fullness of their gifting and calling. The time to war with wolves is here!