Word at Work February 15 2012

Word at Work February 14 2012
February 14, 2012
Word at Work February 16 2012
February 16, 2012

Word at Work February 15 2012

Scripture: I Samuel 17:42-46

David understood that to protect sheep, his job included striking the enemy. Striking the enemy is the shepherding function we find encouraged in Revelation 19:15. Revelation 19:15 says, “Out of His mouth goes a sharp sword that with it He should strike the nations.” We cannot fully pastor unless we can strike with the Word of God. Striking with the Word of God means releasing the judicial Hand of God on the enemy. What David did in the natural, we are called to do in the Spirit. I am convinced when the early church faced losing Peter after James death at Herod’s hand, their prayers struck Herod. The answer to those prayers was the dispatching of an angel and Herod being eaten with worms. David goes on to say in I Samuel 17:46, “I am going to strike you for the purpose that the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.” The earth doesn’t know there is a God in the church if we do not strike the enemy and there is tangible evidence. One aspect of the earth knowing that God is in the church is His response to enemies. The earth will not know that God is in the church unless they see the fruit of striking with a rod of iron. When we pray a judicial prayer that moves the Hand of God and it puts the enemy in the grave, the earth learns about God. Let God arise in the church! The world has more fear of Islam representing demons than of the church representing God. Is it because we are not pastoring with a rod of iron? Jesus is ready, are we?