Word at Work March 31, 2012

Word at Work March 30, 2012
March 30, 2012
Word at Work April 1, 2012
April 1, 2012

Word at Work March 31, 2012

Scripture: Acts 9:8-9

When Jesus intervened and knocked Paul to the ground, He was blind for three days. At the end of those three days, Paul’s sight returned and the fruit was he was full of the fear of God. Probably the thing that is needed most in the church today is the fear of the Lord, which truly is the beginning of wisdom. We cannot take the fear of the Lord to the nation until it is first restored to the church. The seventh and final manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit is the fear of the Lord. Once we are reconfigured and it is restored, then we will see a far different harvest. Will we say yes to the baptisms of fire so that judgment and the fear of the Lord may spring forth in full measure? It may be the only hope that nations have in the face of advancing evil. Let us trust the remnant church will pay the price and complete their preparation so that the fullness of the living God can flow through us. 444 is not a fluffy word. It carries a great weightiness to it. The price of creative miracles is burnt flesh.