Word at Work October 7, 2012

Word at Work October 6, 2012
October 6, 2012
Word at Work October 8, 2012
October 8, 2012

Word at Work October 7, 2012

Scripture: Romans 7:15-25

…Those who embrace My Love will be able to stand in the Fire of My HOLY PRESENCE. Those who reject and despise My Love will be consumed by My Fire.
My Love never fails. Human love can easily fail. What Is Eternal is Eternal and what is temporal is temporal. Human love is temporal. My Love is Eternal
Seeker of Truth, ask Me to reveal to you the Height, Depth, Breadth and Width of My Love. Do this and you will discover the Fullness of My Life.

One of the issues that we have to deal with is strongholds from the pain of the past that rule in the lives of people.  It is because these strongholds vary in their strength and intensity that it takes different layers of God’s love to break them down.  God has a layer of love that is equal to the task regardless of the depth or strength of any stronghold that rules in the individual!  The real question as ministers is a simple one.  Which hammer should we use to break the rock?  That is a question for the Holy Spirit and when the answer comes, the wise should respond accordingly.