Word at Work September 16, 2013

Word at Work September 15, 2013
September 15, 2013
Word at Work September 17, 2013
September 17, 2013

Word at Work September 16, 2013

Scripture: II Samuel 12:13

When David was caught in adultery, the first thing he did was activate his covenant of Sure Mercy. He acknowledged his sin. By acknowledging his sin in II Samuel 12:13, God saved his life, and God put away the sin. But the judgment was that the child growing in Bathsheba’s womb would die. David had a choice to make at that point. In order to continue in his restoration, he had to accept God’s judicial plan. Thus far he has honestly, openly acknowledged his sin and has set himself on the path for the full measure of restoration. If we are going to restore anyone who has fallen, the first thing they have to do is to acknowledge their failure. They have to acknowledge it, bring it out in the open and say, here it is! When we see openness, then we proceed, knowing restoration is probable!