Word at Work August 2, 2014

Word at Work August 1, 2014
August 1, 2014
Word at Work August 3, 2014
August 3, 2014

Word at Work August 2, 2014

Scripture: Matthew 24:1-9

The disciples wanted to know what the end-times would look like. And Jesus made it very clear – there would be tremendous hostility toward the church along with great tribulation. How much of today’s church is prepared for tremendous hostility, cultural adversity and great tribulation? Have church leaders prepared people for this season? Do we believe that it has already passed? It is interesting that much of the church is either waiting to escape via rapture or believe the tribulation has already passed. But what if neither one of those is true? What if we are starting to see the hostility Jesus prophesied? What if the principle of the former and the latter rain is operational? What if what the early church experienced has come back, but is intensified? What if we are called to birth a new heavens and a new earth? Are we really preparing people for what is ahead? Or do we arrogantly believe that there is an escape route that may really never materialize? How many people are really prepared for a season of persecution? We can all hope that we will be raptured out. But what if God has something else in mind? What if there is a witness that needs to be made to all peoples and all nations? Where will we be if what we believe about the rapture does not really happen?