Word at Work October 10, 2014

Word at Work October 9, 2014
October 9, 2014
Word at Work October 11, 2014
October 11, 2014

Word at Work October 10, 2014

Scripture: Genesis 17:5-7

Genesis 17:5-7 shows God’s heart concerning covenant to every believer in every generation. God says, “I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you.” I can pray that the God Who established covenant with me will visit my children and will visit my grandchildren, and their descendants after that and establish covenant with them just as He established it with me. God is relational and He is a Covenant-Keeper. His Word says that He promises to visit the generations and establish covenant with them. That is quite a promise. Is that part of our prayer life, even our children and grandchildren? If we want to see some action, it is the kind of thing we take behind our prayer veil. These are the covenant promises that we must take before God. If we put a covenantal demand on Him, He will act on it and He will do it! So, pray, pray, pray!