Word at Work January 5, 2015

Word at Work January 4, 2015
January 4, 2015
Word at Work January 6, 2015
January 6, 2015

Word at Work January 5, 2015

Scripture: Psalm 2:1-9

Psalm 2:1-3 describes the battle between politicians and judges setting themselves against God’s representatives. Verses 4-6 describe God arising with His anointing on His people to do judgment on the leaders and judges. Verses 7-9 outline the church’s use of the Rod of Iron to execute that judgment. And verses 10-12 warn the judges and politicians that the wrath of God is coming their direction if they do not repent. Are we applying this Psalm in our prayer life? Are we praying God’s Rod of Iron on the rebellious? How would we like to get to heaven and find out we were guilty of enabling evil by refusing to represent Who Christ is and have open ears to the Spirit? That is certainly not what any believer wants! We want to stand before God having walked out His purpose and His plan and having seen the full measure of His will in action. Sometimes that will includes turning the other cheek and sometimes it includes praying judgment to arrest evil! The question is, will we take the Rod of Iron when prompted by the Spirit and swing it in prayer? When leaders dictate evil as the Holy Spirit leads, ask God to reward them accordingly!