Word at Work February 12, 2015

Word at Work February 11, 2015
February 11, 2015
Word at Work February 13, 2015
February 13, 2015

Word at Work February 12, 2015

Scripture: Exodus 19:14-15

Exodus 10:14-15 says, “Then Moses went down from the mountain; And sanctified the people and they washed their clothes and he said to the people, ‘Be ready. For the third day do not come near your wives.’” Sanctify means to separate from all that is profane. Wash is to make clean and soft by beating and kneading in cold water. And be ready which opens the door to being firmly established, secure and determined. Not only did Moses tell them but he led them into it. Preparation is essential to walk with God, especially in judgment! A season of transition often requires we sanctify, wash every manmade tradition and be ready! Moses received insight from the Lord for his nation in their season of change and transition. It is clear that mature spiritual leadership is needed to usher nations through the turmoil in this era. No greater season of transition exists than one in which people discover their once-trusted national leaders have unilaterally disarmed a nation so that we cannot defend ourselves against attack. Our vulnerability is unprecedented and given the current international climate, I suspect only Jesus the Judge can save America!