Word at Work March 21, 2016

Word at Work March 20, 2016
March 20, 2016
Word at Work March 22, 2016
March 22, 2016

Word at Work March 21, 2016

Scripture: 2 Samuel 7:10-17

In 2 Samuel 7:10-17, the covenant of Sure Mercy says that if we have a failure, God will not take His mercy from us as He took it from Saul. The covenant of Sure Mercy means that when we truly and obediently acknowledge our sin and ask God for mercy, His covenant mercy will not only set us free from the penalty of that sin, but He will turn that situation around and He will make it a contribution to our future ministry. We may one day be empowered to judge the very sins we previously committed. God is amazing in His ability to redeem failure. It is in part the redemption of failure that causes people of other nations to want to run to us. If we practice the covenant of Sure Mercy and redeem the failures among us, then nations will run to us. That is the promise of Scripture. Isn’t it time we said yes to it? God provided it and He is waiting for us to say yes to it.