Word at Work March 9, 2016

Word at Work March 8, 2016
March 8, 2016
Word at Work March 10, 2016
March 10, 2016

Word at Work March 9, 2016

Scripture: Leviticus 20:1-5

In Leviticus 20:1-5, the Lord begins to outline what fills a nation with iniquity so we are aware of it and can avoid and prevent it. Verses 1-5 outlines that the shedding of innocent blood on a land fills it with iniquity. Sacrificing innocent children is a deed worthy of death. If Abel’s blood cried out against Cain, then what is the effect of the 55,000,000 children that have been murdered in America? What does the culmination of all their voices sound like in heaven against the United States? And where does the responsibility lie? Every person who supports a politician who supports abortion bears some of that weight. What does the voice of those innocent children sound like crying out for judgment against the voters who are supporting those who set and keep who keep abortion laws in place? How long until we see God’s Hand move in their behalf? We have a job to do – we need to seriously pray.