Word at Work January 19, 2017

Word at Work January 18, 2017
January 18, 2017
Word at Work January 20, 2017
January 20, 2017

Word at Work January 19, 2017

Scripture: Habakkuk 1:5-8, 2:8-14, Acts 13:32-43

Over and over again, Habakkuk 1 is about the devastation and destruction that was coming. He warned the people that they were establishing their cities by iniquity, not walking with God and not honoring the king. And as a result of refusing to honor the king they would pay a terrible price in the loss of their cities and nation, and they did. The warning the Apostle Paul gave out of Habakkuk is strong, but it is one we need to heed right now. Thank God for the faithfulness of the prophets who spoke the Word of the Lord and did the very best they could to be obedient and declare God’s Word in order to save cities and nations. Sometimes it worked and people listened and many times it did not. But they did their job and we have their testimony as an example of how the judgment of God works. In His goodness, judgment is usually preceded by merciful warnings to give ample opportunity for repentance and redemption.