Word at Work May 30, 2011
May 30, 2011
Download Word At Work June 2011
May 31, 2011

Word at Work May 31, 2011

Genesis 28:28-22, Ephesians 2:12

When we pass the first mammon test of tithing the five blessings of Genesis 28:20-21 become ours. Ephesians 2:12 presents the lack of these for those who refuse Christ. The tithe brings God into covenant so that He walks with us and we are no longer without Him. God promises to keep us in the way we are going, which is an element of citizenship in His kingdom. He promises to give us bread to eat which is a function of His covenants of promise! He promises to clothe us physically and spiritually which imparts great hope. Finally God promises to fulfill our destiny which means He will be an adversary to our adversaries in the world. The five blessing Jacob covenanted with God in exchange for the tithe are all confirmed in Christ in Ephesians 2:12! Tithing was not erased in the New Testament. To give by direction of the Holy Spirit brings us into the fullness of what the Father promises.