Word at Work January 27 2012

Word at Work January 26 2012
January 26, 2012
Word at Work January 28 2012
January 28, 2012

Word at Work January 27 2012

Scripture: Psalm 2:6

Has God set His King on His Holy Hill of Zion? If we really believe Psalm 2:6 – that God has set His King on His Holy Hill of Zion, then the King that is on the Holy Hill has to rule the kings who set themselves against the Lord and against His anointed. Worldly rulers have to bow. That means you and I have to tap the authority of the King who has been set on the Holy Hill and we have to bring His Hand on the wayward who are blocking our harvest field. We are in the same place the early church found themselves. So they prayed accordingly. And when they asked God for signs and wonders, they asked that what God did in Egypt, He do for them. They did not hesitate. They did not back off. They did not “turn-the-other-cheek”. They said, “God, we want you to terrorize the enemy and we want Your Hand upon them. Put them in distress. Do what you did in Egypt.” That is what they were asking for. They were straightforward, they knew their covenant and they knew God had done it before. He did it before and we would do it again. God is not opposed to putting the enemy in the grave. The only people who have trouble with that are religious people with lots of tradition. Thank God David did not have to wade through that. Goliath would still be taunting Israel. It is time we grew into the fullness of our covenant!