Word at Work March 29, 2012

Word at Work March 28, 2012
March 28, 2012
Word at Work March 30, 2012
March 30, 2012

Word at Work March 29, 2012

Scripture: John 9:1-11

In John 9:1-11, Jesus healed the blind man, but He did it in a very unorthodox and unusual way. He spit on the ground, made clay and spread it in the man’s eyes. He told the man to go wash in the pool of Siloam. The sixth baptism of fire is the fire of guidance with manifestations that often offend people because they are so unusual and out of the ordinary. They leave people saying, “Surely this cannot be God!” This is precisely what happened in the rest of John 9. There is a baptism of fire that comes out of God’s guidance where nothing but criticism, complaint and offense arise. But when we choose that fire, the fruit it releases is the Spirit of Knowledge. One of the great manifestations for the last days is going to be a free-flowing Word of Knowledge in ministry with healings and miracles but also in medicine, education law and business, as well as other areas of life.