Word at Work November 19, 2012

Word at Work November 18, 2012
November 18, 2012
Word at Work November 20, 2012
November 20, 2012

Word at Work November 19, 2012

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 5:6-13

It is obvious in what Paul said to the church that he was fully versed in Love Layer Four. It was not new to him. Affliction is what brought him into the Kingdom. It was the affliction of blindness that turned him from destroying the church to leading it. Paul was very well versed in the area of affliction, both from an Old Testament standard and a New. Both in living it and in releasing it. Paul acted like it was second nature, and his question to the Corinthians was, “Why are you not judging what is in your house?” In verse 12 he said, “…Do you not judge those who are inside?” I have had many people say, “Jesus did say we are not to judge.” Paul said just the opposite – “Why are you not judging?” Was Paul wrong? Jesus warned the Pharisees not to judge if they could not stand in what they called down! The condition of the culture requires we judge. If we must use Layer Four of God’s love, use it! That is what it is there for. Holy Spirit-led judicial prayer is evident frequently in the Psalms!