Word at Work December 4, 2012

Word at Work December 3, 2012
December 3, 2012
Word at Work December 5, 2012
December 5, 2012

Word at Work December 4, 2012

Scripture: Luke 4:21-30

Jesus not only preached the favor of God, but He demonstrated the impact on the religious community. God’s love and favor for the people cleaned house in the temple. He, in effect, said that God would be looking for new people to bless because those that should have been open were, in fact, closed. The people were so upset to hear this message that their reaction in verses 28,29 was to take Jesus, march Him out of town and prepare to throw Him over a cliff. But because the Kingdom was in their midst and manifesting, verse thirty records that they suddenly all lost their grip. When the Kingdom goes into manifestation, there is an anointing that causes everyone to lose their grip. And in the midst of that manifestation, anyone can walk right through the crowd and on his way. Should we not be believing for such manifestations of the Kingdom in the last days? God wants us to know that just as He showed up for the Living Christ, He will show up for His church. He is no respecter of persons and just like He caused every hostile person to lose their grip, He can do the same thing again today. Through our prayers, God can cause terrorist bombs to blow up in their own hands.