Word at Work October 7, 2013

Word at Work October 6, 2013
October 6, 2013
Word at Work October 8, 2013
October 8, 2013

Word at Work October 7, 2013

Scripture: Genesis 18:16-19

This picture of the Key of David that was promised to the Philadelphia church follows the interaction of mish-pawt, tsed-aw-kaw and the government of God flowing from Heaven to earth. Genesis 18:19 makes it clear that God had a purpose in His covenantal relationship with man, “For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice, that the Lord may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.” The actual initiation of mish-pawt and tsed-aw-kaw in God’s Heart, is part of His equipping of His covenantal believers. The language could not be any clearer than verse 19, “For I have known him, in order that he may…keep the way of the Lord, to do…” God’s intention was that man would initiate the mish-pawt and tsed-aw-kaw so that the Kingdom could be established. Most believers today do not think much about the judgment of God because they never hear any teaching on it. But when we look at New Testament revelation revealed in the Word, those who access the Key of David are the ones who establish the Kingdom. The Kingdom cannot be established without mish-pawt and tsed-aw-kaw – without the application of a moral standard and the revealed biblical penalty for violation of that moral standard. When we specifically major only in the mercy message, then we take the key that would establish God’s Kingdom away from the church. That is the fruit we see in most churches. We have a keyless body of believers who do not understand the principles involved in establishing the Kingdom. In Genesis, we find out the whole reason God covenants with Abraham is so that Abraham can walk in that place. When we are ready to accept that, we can begin to function in this realm with understanding.