Word at Work November 21, 2013

Word at Work November 20, 2013
November 20, 2013
Word at Work November 22, 2013
November 22, 2013

Word at Work November 21, 2013

Scripture: Genesis 26:1-3

God also has a positive side of His judicial covenant. Abraham, when he faced great adversity and famine, had gone down to Egypt instead of staying in the Promised Land. As a result, the warfare over his family increased dramatically. This time the Lord intervened and said to Abraham’s son Isaac, “Stay in the land and I will sustain you.” Not only did God sustain him, but while everyone else had famine, he enjoyed a hundred-fold return. The judicial side of Christ also has an application for perversion when the rest of the culture is going into God’s justice. Perhaps that is an arena that we should major on for a season and realize that God’s provision is weighing out blessing to the righteous, even when the culture is heading toward financial judgment. This is part of what we need to understand about the judicial covenant. It is a two-edged sword and because God has given each one a measure of faith, we are responsible to ask the Lord and to even pray judicially over our finances.