Word at Work January 8, 2014

Word at Work January 7, 2014
January 7, 2014
Word at Work January 9, 2014
January 9, 2014

Word at Work January 8, 2014

Scripture: Daniel 11:36

Verse 36 says, “Then the king shall do according to his own will: he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, shall speak blasphemies against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the wrath has been accomplished; for what has been determined shall be done.” One of the things that marks those with an antichrist spirit, is they believe that they are supreme. They exalt themselves in their mind above God and consistently blaspheme the Creator. What is amazing is, they prosper until the cup of iniquity is full and God Himself removes them. We need to discern the antichrist spirit and how it operates. Once we see it in a man, we look beyond the individual involved to look for signs of the depth, dimension and degree to which the spirit has control of the individual. Walking in the last days demands we be able to discern the antichrist spirit. I trust we will commit to growing in wisdom and discernment.