Word at Work March 4, 2015

Word at Work March 3, 2015
March 3, 2015
Word at Work March 5, 2015
March 5, 2015

Word at Work March 4, 2015

Scripture: Leviticus 20:1-5

Leviticus 20 lists four things that contribute to an outcry! One of the things that creates a zah-ak in this chapter is the shedding of innocent blood. As we vote for politicians and political parties that champion abortion and the shedding of innocent blood, then we literally create a situation over time where the land utters an outcry and God has to come into the middle of that land to find people to pray judgment in order to save the righteous from the fate of the wicked. With 55,000,000 dead babies in the last 40 years, America is crying out for judgment while most of the church is silent. There is an outcry coming from the land. Qualifying to pray a prayer that makes a difference, requires freedom from guilt in contributing to the outcry! If we supported those politicians that are filling the land with iniquity, then we disqualified ourselves from praying salvation prayers. If a God-fearing believer has knowingly voted to support a politician that supports the loss of innocent life, then they have contributed to the sin of that political leader. The very vote goes to help fill the land with iniquity and carries a biblical, judicial liability. Believers that knowingly or unwittingly have helped fill the land with iniquity dare not pray judicially until they repent. We can ask the Holy Spirit to show us whether or not our hands are clean. If they are, we can follow Abraham’s lead and pray judicially. Otherwise the judgment we call down will fall upon us first. Just as sowing into a ministry aligns us with that altar, voting for someone aligns us with their agenda. Voting for someone makes us a contributor and complicit in the iniquity they promote. If we support people that vote for abortion or homosexual marriage, we help fill the land with iniquity! This truth is essential to save our land. But telling people hard truths is dangerous. Whether such a truth comes from a neighbor or a pastor, telling people consequences of political choices can breed offense. And offense empties church seats and offering plates. Do we not read in Hebrews 13 that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever? Is the Judge of the Old Covenant not the Judge in the book of Revelation? Does He not kill people for sin in the book of Acts, both in the church and outside the church? Ananias and Sapphira and Herod both met the judgment of the Lord. He is just as much of a Judge now as He ever has been. And if we do not start to understand the way of the Lord and do righteousness so we can do justice, we are going to lose a tremendous number of innocent believers because we did not understand the necessity of praying judgment when an outcry begins to build from the land. America is in danger on a variety of fronts.