Word at Work June 25, 2011

Word at Work June 24, 2011
June 24, 2011
Word at Work June 26, 2011
June 26, 2011

Word at Work June 25, 2011

Scripture: Luke 16:12-15

Luke 16:12 says, “And if you have not been faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you what is your own?” Have we trusted God to give us what is our own? The promise is, if we are faithful with what is another man’s He will give us what is our own. Have we been faithful with what God has given us? If so, we have a right to ask us for something that is our own. Have we ever asked God for something just for us, something that is our own? Something that is spectacular – something that is beyond the agency of human accomplishment, something that only He could do. I believe it is time that the faithful ask God for something that is their own! Do we value what God values? Are we obedient at His direction? What do we highly esteem? Do we highly esteem what is abomination in the sight of God? It is obvious that the unjust servant did, and he paid the ultimate price for it. That is something we cannot afford in this season. If there was ever a time that we need to value what God values, it is right now. What does God value? He values obedience, He values a hearing ear! While men value material things, God values a hearing ear, a personal relationship, and obedience to Him – a man truly after His own heart. Is this a season where God is valuing the Kingly ministry? Are we developed in that ministry? If we value what God values we have to be walking with Him in this season. The real question is, what do we value?