Word at Work December 27, 2011

Word at Work December 26, 2011
December 26, 2011
Word at Work December 28, 2011
December 28, 2011

Word at Work December 27, 2011

Scripture: Luke 22:31-36

As soon as Jesus was finished with His earthly ministry, on His way out of the upper room, He finished the preparation of the disciples by dramatically announcing to them a seasonal change. “Turn-the-other cheek” was just getting a new addition, and that addition in verse 35,36 said, “And He said to them, ‘When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?’ So they said, ‘Nothing.’ Then He said to them, ‘But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. III But now, sell your garment and buy a sword -you are going to need it. Is how to use a sword obvious in Scripture? How did David use his sword? He used it both in the natural and in the Spirit! He prayed the Sword of the lord into action. He prayed the Sword of the lord into remission. When David needed the Sword of the lord in his latter years, he asked for it. When the Sword of the lord was upon his own people, he prayed, repented and asked God to stop it. And God did, each and every time. As New Testament, covenant believers we have access to the Sword of the lord to start it or stop it as needed for our harvest. Jesus said to buy it: have we?