Word at Work June 30, 2012
June 30, 2012
Word at Work July 2, 2012
July 2, 2012

Word at Work July 1, 2012

Scripture: Genesis 44:1-4

When the Lord woke me up at 4:44 AM and said, “Go study the number four, a progressive understanding of creative miracles began. Repeating something three times usually means it is secure. I was amazed to discover that four is the number for the creative. The Lord in my mind’s eye moved the colon from 4:44 to 44:4 and said “In these five passages, contain the keys to birth and carry the anointing for creative miracles. The Lord desires to release this in the church.” The very first principle that gives us a foundation for the creative is our mindset toward the issue of Joseph’s question to his brothers. It is a question that every single one of us must face, “Why have you repaid evil for good?” Until this encounter with the Lord, I would have never thought that the foundation for handling His creative miracles would be our ability to process and turn evil into good. And yet, when I look at what Jesus did, His whole mission was to take the evil that the enemy perpetrated on the world through sin, take it on Himself and redeem us from corruption and judgment. The very core and heart of God toward His creation comes in our attitude toward redeeming evil and turning it into good through the power of God. Joseph wrestled with that issue to the very core and depth of his being. He had good reason to wrestle with it. Betrayal, lies, injustice, prison… Joseph spent decades getting nothing but evil for good. No wonder he wrestled with it. How are we wrestling with it right now? God has an answer for evil and that answer depends on the Spirit. He does not forgive all evil – some of it has to be judged. It is only as we flow in the Spirit that we represent His will in any given situation. God is releasing His creative Hand against evil!