Word at Work November 4, 2013

Word at Work November 3, 2013
November 3, 2013
Word at Work November 5, 2013
November 5, 2013

Word at Work November 4, 2013

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 6:9-18

1 Corinthians 6:9-18 gives us a picture of possibly the arena of the greatest battle for the Philadelphia church in the last days. And that arena includes all the different shades of sexual sin. The biggest challenge for the Philadelphians is to hold God’s standard of righteousness and His Word of salvation open to all while refusing to compromise this biblical standard in any area. 1 Corinthians 6 makes it clear that there is no form of sexual sin that people cannot be delivered from. To be part of the Philadelphia church we have to embrace this dimension of God’s biblical standard. We cannot deny His name and we cannot condone what God Himself condemns. God discriminates through judgment against those who rebelliously embrace their own standard and refuse His. That is one hard part of our message, but it cannot be overlooked.