Word at Work December 25, 2013

Word at Work December 24, 2013
December 24, 2013
Word at Work December 26, 2013
December 26, 2013

Word at Work December 25, 2013


Scripture: Acts 5:1,2

A standard was set. God created man. It is God’s game and God’s rules! It is obvious Ananias and Sapphira wanted to appear as if they were as committed as everyone else. But they were not. So they hatched a plot. The plot was that they would sell their land and pretend as if they had brought all proceeds, when in fact they did not. They kept back some of the money. The standard the early church set in obedience now became a yardstick for judgment for those who were not willing to live up to that standard. Those who were not willing to serve each other and wanted to continue serving themselves and building their own kingdom suddenly found they were judged by their own hearts of deception. The Judgment Seat of Christ was established at the feet of the apostles. Is it possible we could see that again? We certainly could! And what will it be like when we do? If sexual purity were the new standard, how many Ananias and Sapphira’s would we announce on Sunday?