Word at Work January 3, 2014

Word at Work January 2, 2014
January 2, 2014
Word at Work January 4, 2014
January 4, 2014

Word at Work January 3, 2014

Scripture: Daniel 8:23-26, 1 John 2:18

1 John 2:18 says, “Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.” This verse says that in the last hours and days the antichrist spirit will grow stronger. If we believe we are in the last days then we must recognize the thumbprint of those who move in an antichrist spirit because their number one cloak is that of deception. If we have ever voted for a politician who supports abortion or homosexual marriage, we have promoted an antichrist spirit! Score one for deception. We can repent and not do it again! Daniel 8:23 reveals much about this spirit. Demonically empowered leaders gain authority over nations in the last days. Daniel 8:25a says, “Through his cunning He shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule; And he shall exalt himself in his heart. He shall destroy many in their prosperity.” Isn’t it interesting that one of the manifestations of the antichrist spirit is an ever-increasing deception that somehow people believe? They unwittingly believe the deception and have no ability to see through it. Is there a politician that falls into that category today? What is stunning is that the antichrist will have the ability to take the most prosperous arena of a nation like its military and will utterly decimate it through deception. He will take the most prosperous area of a nation, like its economy or medical-care system, and will utterly decimate both and destroy them while people applaud him. He will, for example, take the economy of a flourishing nation and cripple or destroy it. He will do it through deception. This is the antichrist spirit. When you look at the fruit of what he does, it is the destruction of those with prosperity and he does it by deception. Can we recognize anyone who might operate by those principles today? Is there an antichrist-anointed leader who fits that description? If there is, then there is good news. Daniel 8:25b says, “He shall even rise against the Prince of princes; But he shall be broken without human means.” I believe that there is probably nothing God takes more seriously than an antichrist spirit who deceives the majority of people. God is determined to destroy this deceiver by Himself. We can pray judicially and offer up intercession. But there are some things so abominable to God that He reserves the right to destroy them Himself. It seems hell was made for certain individuals. It is a shame for anyone to go there but there are antichrist-anointed individuals who belong there. Without repentance, it will eventually be their residence because of all they have destroyed. If we do live in the season of the great advancement of the antichrist spirit, then one primary issue must be to not be deceived. Secondly, we have a Biblical obligation to pray termination on any politician who advances an antichrist agenda. God is neither a Democrat nor a Republican but Judge of all the earth ready to manifest for the church but judgment begins at the house of the Lord! God will deal with out-of-position ministers before He removes evil politicians! Judgment begins at the church!