Word at Work December 3, 2014

Word at Work December 2, 2014
December 2, 2014
Word at Work December 4, 2014
December 4, 2014

Word at Work December 3, 2014

Scripture: Genesis 18:19, Psalm 103:6,7

The third thing that God spoke about Abraham was that he would keep the way of the Lord. The way of the Lord is not hidden. This passage identifies it for all to see. The way of the Lord leads to demonstrating His acts. Actually all that know Him have the opportunity to do the acts of the Lord. Psalm 103:7 says, “He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel.” Keeping the way of the Lord opens the door to the acts of God. And if we put it in context, Psalm 103:6,7 spells that out exactly. Psalm 103:6,7 says, “The Lord executes righteousness And justice for all who are oppressed. He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of Israel.” When God commanded Abraham to keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and judgment, He made it obvious that His law enforcement authority would reside in His church and among His covenant people. It has always been God’s purpose from the beginning and that has not changed. We are in the process of recovering God’s purposes, plan and anointing for the church and then grow to have the faith to walk in it.