Word at Work February 3, 2016

Word at Work February 2, 2016
February 2, 2016
Word at Work February 6, 2016
February 6, 2016

Word at Work February 3, 2016

Scripture: Exodus 19:5-12

God is the Author of freedom. You cannot have freedom if God does not give it to you. God proved that to the Israelites because He birthed them out of slavery and into freedom. The process for keeping freedom means that we have to sign on to the boundaries that God establishes. In Exodus 19:12 God set boundaries for His people all around. He said, ‘Don’t touch the mountain. You do, you die!’ God is a God of boundaries and He has set boundaries that enable us to keep our freedom and also by crossing those boundaries we can lose that freedom. The battle in America today is a battle over whether we accept God’s boundaries or whether we reject God’s boundaries. The church needs to grow up to the point where we realize that we are in a boundary war. There are those in many places that reject the boundaries of God. When we reject the boundaries of God we choose death. Eventually that will lead to the complete loss of freedom for the whole nation if we continue to elect ungodly men. Freedom is a gift from God and it demands that we acknowledge Him and that we keep His boundaries. When a nation that once kept the boundaries throws those boundaries out, that nation incurs judgment and loses its freedom. It happened to Israel and it is happening to America. Unless the church begins to execute the judgment of God on all those who choose to throw away the boundaries of God, we face major devastation. We can save the nation by praying into judgment those leaders who cast off God’s boundaries. When a political leader champions the throwing away of God’s boundaries, that politician deserves the full measure of God’s judgment on their head, prayed by the church, executed and declared until the written judgment becomes a physical reality. That is how you save a nation. God gave Israel freedom. God gave America freedom. The way we keep it, is by keeping His boundaries!