Word at Work December 15, 2016

Word at Work December 14, 2016
December 14, 2016
Word at Work December 16, 2016
December 16, 2016

Word at Work December 15, 2016

Scripture: Ezekiel 24:15-24

Ezekiel 24:15-24 describes one of the most painful things that can happen in the life of a prophet. Suddenly, in a sign and a wonder, God said there was great destruction coming to the nation and He was taking the desire of Ezekiel’s eyes, his wife, home and he was not allowed to mourn. God said it was a picture for the church of what He was about to do to those who had defiled His altars. God said when His judgment came, they would be judged and Ezekiel was to tell them to turn. Throughout the book of Revelation we see great devastation. We know that the end-times are full of devastation and destruction. Being a prophet in the last days is likely to be an amazingly difficult assignment. If Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever we must remember that what He did to Ezekiel, He can and will do today. It takes great faith, humility and submission to walk with God. We cannot afford to be offended by what He does. We have to praise Him, walk with Him and receive the understanding of why from Him. God gave that to Ezekiel, it became a preaching moment and Ezekiel followed through. I hope that all of us who walk with God in the last days have the same kind of heart that Ezekiel had to represent God in the midst of the most trying and devastating personal circumstances that we could ever imagine. Let’s prepare ourselves so we can do the same if necessary!