
July 18, 2010
Viet Nam
July 19, 2010


Philistine city ruled by David for 16 months before he moved to Hebron to become the king of Judah. Ziklag was deeded to David by Achish of Gath, presumably to ensure David’s continued neutrality (1 Sm 27:6; 1 Chr 12:1). The location of Ziklag is difficult to determine despite its prominence in the early history of Israel. In the record of the land allotments following the conquest, Ziklag appears to be located in the extreme south of Judah (Jos 15:31). It is later described as part of the allotment within western Judah that was granted to Simeon (Jos 19:5; 1 Chr 4:30). Neither identification conclusively places Ziklag, however. It was most likely located somewhere on the frontier between Philistia and Judah, southeast of Gaza (possibly Tell el-Khuweilfeh). Ziklag is last mentioned as one of the cities that was inhabited by the settlers after the exile (Neh 11:28).

Elwell, W. A., & Beitzel, B. J. (1988). Baker encyclopedia of the Bible. Map on lining papers. (2198). Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House.

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